We received 5 nominations for the 2024 Small Business of the Year Award! Thank you to all our customers for making this store amazing and thank you for the nominations!
There are four questions they answered and we would like to share them! Thank you to Pima County for sharing the nominations with us!
1. Why is this business being nominated?:
- This is a lovely small store showcasing and selling the work of local artisans and artists. By using a commission-free business model, the affordability for customers & vendors is preserved. It is also a connection point for locals to support each other & Build wonder friendships & networking connections. - Kendra
- Arizona Artisan Creations is a hidden gem. This store is a vibrant tapestry of creativity, where the talent of over fifty remarkable artists converge under one roof to offer a mesmerizing array of handcrafted treasures. Each artist's unique style is showcased in a carefully curated spaces. This is not just an ordinary store, it's a magical emporium brimming with creativity and enchantment. - Sharon
- This business is a consignment shop for local entrepreneurs. They started with 5-10 vendors. They just keep growing with local artists. This past weekend they expanded and now have the whole building. You can find jewelry, wood working, knitted items, delicious treats, art, crafts and so much more!!! Seriously, stop in and check it out! - Jessica
- Aubrey puts her heart and soul into boosting OTHER PEOPLE up. She is an awesome, giving person who has nothing but great things to say, has an amazingly-positive outlook. - Juliet
- Aubrey has given artist a safe space. Her shop is open to artist and vendors that are local to the area. She has a vision and with time it's grown beautifully and still continues to evolve. - Amanda
2. What are the future goals?
- The store is currently expanding into a larger retail space and adding classes taught by local artists. - Kendra
- I believe the future goals of this business is to share the beauty of art and crafts with the community. Art classes and workshops, educational sessions where customers can learn various art techniques directly from the artist, fostering a community of seasoned artists alike.- Sharon
- She wants to have a community space for artists to sell what they are passionate about & have a welcoming space where you can shop for these things & support local. - Jessica
- Actually, two weeks ago this business just expanded/doubled their building space and are now able to take in more vendors wherein they had to start a waiting list several months back. - Juliet
- Growth..! Aubrey just expanded her store front to a larger space and it's only going to grow even more from here. - Amanda
3. Company culture:
- It fosters opportunities to shop local with unique gifts and treats at affordable prices. - Kendra
- This magical store not only provides a platform for artists to showcase and sell their work but also fosters a rich, interactive environment where creativity is celebrated and nurtured. - Sharon
- It's just an all inclusive friendly environment for everyone. - Jessica
- Even though we, as artisan vendors are not paid employees, we are given full control to suggest the way the business is operated and spend as much time there as we please. - Juliet
- Aubrey is inclusive to everyone. She is a magical spirit who follows her life path with her heart and you can immediately recognize her strength and love when you first meet her. - Amanda
4. Impact on Pima County:
- It provides a common ground rooted in human creativity & kindness, allowing even the most divided people to work peacefully & energetically together. - Kendra
- This business has an impact on Pima County in a positive way by attracting visitors and art enthusiasts and can stimulate local economical growth. Cultural enrichment filled with diverse artists brings a wealth of cultural experiences. The store is open to all ages and the workshops provide educational opportunities and develop their own artistic skills. The store can serve as a gathering place for art lovers, creating a sense of community and belonging. - Sharon
- Local expansion. Even if you are small, every dream has a chance in each cuppy of the store. - Jessica
- First, it's given Pima County artisans a great place to display their works and it's given Pima County residents exposure to some fabulous items and reminded them that awesome, creative people are surrounding them every day. - Juliet
- Aubrey has given local Marana artist and vendors an amazing safe space to sell items and connect with our community strengthening and growing roots within our community. - Amanda
Wow! Thank you all! We appreciate each and every one of our wonderful customers!
Please help us congratulations this years winners!
Arivaca Mercantile – Rural
Forbes Meat Company – Urban
SARSEF – Nonprofit